Goodbye Virgo season, until next year!

white and blue floral cake
I wish he was a Virgo, the same sign as me…

We’ve just about closed out Virgo season so I guess this is a little late but better late than never. It was my birthday earlier on in the month. When I turned 25 I threw myself a big party and vowed to stop counting. The thought of aging was scary. But life taught me some very harsh lessons on self-care and listening to my mind, body, heart, and soul a few years ago. Since then I have started to appreciate this gift called life, and the opportunity to live to fight another day even more.

I also decided I wasn’t waiting on gifts from anyone. I get a birthday present for myself – something I want but don’t necessarily need – no matter how small – to say well done for deactivating survival mode and taking strides towards thriving. My focus is no longer on aging. It is on self-discovery, maturing, and trying to use a growth mindset in everything I do. This year’s budget went to @kisara and @cinnamonlagos. The former I am new to but the latter I have known for years. I have been shouting to everyone I know about how proud I am of Ugonna Ibe. I remember vaguely when Cinnamon Pearl was all a dream!

These two small businesses are based in Nigeria. I am in the UK. Their professionalism was unmatched. Customer service was remarkable. And delivery to the UK; unbelievably swift! And the finishing details on all of these items? First-class. Both came with personal notes, CP on their packaging and Kisara on a complimentary slip.

I am super excited and happy for female creatives making it happen in spite of everything that’s thrown our way. Especially those like Ugonna Ibe and Eki Ogunbor who are based in Africa where the challenges multiply. I will be shopping from both of these brands again! Cheers to more vigour and success! I can’t wait to have somewhere to go so I can have an excuse to actually dress up! If you are aware of any women-owned brands that I should check out, please let me know in the comments.

And just in case you are wondering, I had an amazing day! I received a few other special deliveries but without a doubt, my colleagues won the gift-giving competition this year hands down! They literally planned my day with a self-care hamper, a Just Eat voucher, and brookies from @valentinascupcakes!

The @garnier moisture bomb tissue mask that came in my “PAM-per” was very soothing and my skin actually felt hydrated and rejuvenated afterward. I loved it so much I have now introduced it into my skincare regimen and I use the tissue masks once a week.

I wholeheartedly recommend these brownies by @valentinascupcakes for my UK people. They were devoured in less than 24 hours! Mini-me insisted that I ordered some more. I did over Christmas and they were just as good! I am now waiting for her to relist on Etsy so I can buy some more!

How my daughter is teaching me to be my authentic self

Moving my daughter to a new school in Year 5 was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, despite the challenges and doubts from others. Ava faced bullying for being herself and refusing to conform. Her new environment embraced her, rekindled her love for learning and boosted her confidence. The experience is a reminder that sometimes, we just need to find our people.

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