Taking a moment to be thankful just because

white and red happy birthday signage

Do not envy someone who has shoes. Think of the one who has no feet to wear shoes.

An African Proverb

This loosely translated Krio nugget is the legacy of a great grand aunt which no doubt will be passed on through generations after me. My mother drilled it in me and subconsciously I have been doing the same with my daughter. I’ve repeated it so many times when challenging my own personal moments of ingratitude and discontent. Recently I’ve had cause to reflect on it more deeply.

When things do not work out the way we hoped or planned, we are hard on ourselves. We neglect to be mindful enough to protect our inner peace and save our energy from negativity.

So much is going on all around us. In the news, with family, and with friends. Sometimes we forget to check in with ourselves. When things do not work out the way we hoped or planned, we are hard on ourselves. We neglect to be mindful enough to protect our inner peace and save our energy from negativity. We compare and contrast our lives with that of others, especially in this modern age of social media, which only intensifies the struggle.

I sincerely hope if you are reading this, that you are okay. The world can sometimes be so cruel and confusing but consider this your reminder to check in with yourself and recenter your thoughts and emotions.

Be thankful.
Because no matter how bad things may get, someone has it way worse. This is not to invalidate your circumstance but to remind you to be kind to yourself.

Covet not.
Comparison is the thief of joy and when joy is gone, there can be no peace. Not all that glitters is gold. Please give yourself grace.

Show empathy.
People are going through it. So many around you are in desperate search of the simplest things that you may take for granted. Let your kindness extend to others beyond your circle.

Today my balm of Gilead comes courtesy of Christian Keyes because sometimes you just have to encourage yourself. I know that no matter what the case may be, I’ll be alright. You will be too.

How my daughter is teaching me to be my authentic self

Moving my daughter to a new school in Year 5 was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, despite the challenges and doubts from others. Ava faced bullying for being herself and refusing to conform. Her new environment embraced her, rekindled her love for learning and boosted her confidence. The experience is a reminder that sometimes, we just need to find our people.

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