One of the things I have enjoyed doing since becoming a mum is planning pleasant memories for my daughter’s birthdays. Sometimes they are memories just for the two of us to share; like the indoor picnics we had on her 1st and on her 6th. February is always cold so we stay inside! Sometimes they are memories for her to share with her friends like the Legoland trip with her bestie for her 7th.
She’s just celebrated her 8th birthday yet she’s only ever had one birthday party and that was for her 5th. I chose not to do anything grand for her 1st because well I knew she wouldn’t remember it. The 5th is always a good year for a party because they are old enough to remember it and sensible enough to appreciate and enjoy a safe party without you being in constant fear of them getting in harm or danger. So we went all out with a unicorn themed birthday party for the 5th. All out! I am not a party planner but I had fun creating Ava’s Magical Cove. I was so invested we even had branded water bottles! By the end of it all I was spent and told her not to expect another shindig until her 10th!
One week to her 8th and I had no plans other than maybe baking her a cake. However, it’s been a tough year for all of us and I think it’s so easy to dismiss children under the current circumstances. We are all so focussed on how much we as parents are struggling to make sure that they are okay, we take their mental health for granted and forget that they too are having a tough time coping without their usual routines and without being able to see their friends. I can only imagine that it’s maybe even worse for her as an only child. Coincidentally today marks the end of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week and I have spent the week talking to her about expressing herself and encouraging her to try different ways to do so while reassuring her that she can always come to me for a shoulder or listening ear. Her favourite form of expression at the moment is strumming away on her pink guitar but I digress!
At the 11th hour, with the help of her godmother, I was able to pull together a quick virtual L.O.L Surprise party. When I say quick I am talking within 72 working hours! It all started with figuring out the what! What was it going to be? I was referred to award winning children’s entertainers Non Stop Kids who offer a wide range of virtual party packages from magic workshops and spy school to unicorn and princess themes. For Ava it was a no brainer; the Science party was right up her street! Next question was can they incorporate L.O.L Surprise as a theme? The answer was no! But Ava is obsessed so what was I going to do?
I thought about asking all her friends to show up with their L.O.L Surprise dolls but that would have been tricky if they wanted to take part in the Science workshop. The other option was to ask them to dress up like their favourite lol doll but I wasn’t trying to make life difficult for their parents. So the party became Ava’s S.C.I.E.N.C.E and I ended up focusing on L.O.L Surprise invites and decor. Non Stop Kids did provide a video invite as part of their package. I opted for their neon theme but mama had to be extra and why not when you have the skills to be?!

Her fairy godmother showed out with a red velvet cake covered in gold for the Queen Bee of L.O.L Surprise doll collectors. The cake topper was from Decorcaketoppers.
Talking about Queen Bee, I ordered her a costume but had to return it because it was too small. If this is something you’d want to look into, here are two from Amazon:
The balloons were also from Amazon. Before the early hours of her birthday, I had never created a balloon garland before and didn’t even think I could but the tape included in this pack makes it so simple!
Her own invite to her party was an inflated foil balloon from Partyrama. The party banner was from Partyrama too. Their full range of L.O.L Surprise party supplies can be found here.
I also got her a letter box hamper full of pink surprises from MrsAhampers on Etsy. If you are feeling super generous and can afford it and of course if you have the time, sending this to party guests before hand would be a nice touch. This is also a nice gift to cheer up any kids in your life who are isolated at this time. She does them in a few other themes too.
To say Ava was pleasantly surprised is an understatement. This was a great opportunity for family and friends who may not usually be able to attend her parties because of the distance, to join in. It was an international experience with her grandparents joining in from Sierra Leone, and her cousins, grand aunts and grand uncle joining in from the United States. Her godparents and friends joined in from London, Shropshire e.t.c.
Non Stop Kids were very professional and all the kids in attendance were thoroughly entertained. The only downside was we were cut off abruptly at the end – though to be honest we had already exceeded the allocated 40 minutes. A few people did want to hand around for a bit longer and use it as an opportunity for a catch up. I’d say if you think this might be the case for you, create your own after party zoom link and share it before hand so that people can move straight from one party to the next. All in all it was a very pleasant O.M.G Surprise for the birthday girl who claimed to be so overwhelmed she could pass out!
Featured image: One of the birthday cards I got her from Character Brands. I also got the L.O.L Surprise wrapping paper I used for her gifts from them too.
Please note that this post is not a sponsored advert for anything mentioned and I paid for every single service or product except where otherwise stated.