Taking to the skies with Magisto
Exploring how Magisto, a video creation and editing platform, can be your go-to tool for crafting compelling and engaging promotional videos.
Exploring how Magisto, a video creation and editing platform, can be your go-to tool for crafting compelling and engaging promotional videos.
Personal branding starts with self-awareness. It is not just about photoshoots and choosing fonts and colours. Being aware of who you are and staying true to that when showcasing your personality and upselling yourself can be crucial to the kind of opportunities you can attract.
A warning against hastily pursuing big ideas without proper planning. Big dreams patience, discipline, thoughtful action, and strategic planning.
Song title: 3. You Can Do ItAlbum: Hue (Audio Last Will & Testament)Artist: Mickey Factz Wayback Wednesday – a year ago today we launched this web
If those of us working in branding, marketing and PR can take anything away from this, it is that hashtags and press releases are simply not enough anymore. Social Media was never intended to be the world’s shortest press release. The best social media campaigns may start with a hashtag but they go way beyond it. This is marketing and advertising at its best, a lesson in the business of Social Media.
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Subscribe to get the latest warrior news, views, useful tips and resources on thriving, fighting the patriarchy, laughing and loving!