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For immediate release

The e-VAWG Directory – A new initiative to create an online directory of specialist services for women and children

A new initiative is being developed to create an online directory of specialist services and organisations offering expert support to women and children. The focus for the first phase of development will be on Sub-Saharan Africa where vulnerable women and children remain underserved. 

Pamilerin Beckley, a digital communications professional who currently works for a UK based women’s organisation saw the pressing need for this measure after the story of a young girl who was sexually assaulted by a well known Nollywood actor went viral online.

“It was by no means the first story of its kind but in this case, things had taken an unfamiliar turn. I couldn’t believe that the young girl’s guardians were so desperate for evidence of her abuse, that they knowingly put her in a position to be sexually assaulted again just so that they can collect video evidence of the assault. I found myself asking where do African women and children go for help and support when they are faced with the harsh realities of abuse and sexual violence? Do they even know that support is available?”

Miss Beckley was gravely concerned about this safeguarding issue and wanted to do something about it because she recognised that it was done out of ignorance and desperation. 

Systemically the onus is put on victims in these demographics to prove their abuse beyond reasonable doubt and this can often lead to desperate measures being taken in pursuit of justice. The hope is that if people know better, they would do better.

Using her expertise both as a freelance web designer and an advocate who actively works within the women’s sector,  Miss Beckley is working with a group of volunteers to create a simple yet functional website which will serve as a directory that will list organisations by their location and areas of expertise. The website will also share contact information for all the organisations listed and serve as an online resource centre. 

“I hope that this is a starting point – a way for women to know that help is available and they are not alone. I am more than happy to work with organisations in the sector to develop this platform and ensure that it is of great service to those who need it.”

Organisations  are now being invited to submit their details to be listed on the directory for FREE. There are also openings for volunteer area representatives who can support with keeping the contact information of organisations in their respective countries up to date. 

If you run expert services for women and children in Central Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa or West Africa, please register your organisation by filling out the form below. For more information please submit your query using the contact form here

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