In Jacinda’s footsteps – How empathetic leadership can change the world

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The rallying cry “The future is female” has become a powerful and resonant mantra, symbolizing a global movement that envisions a future where women’s voices, contributions, and leadership play a central role. This phrase encapsulates the ongoing journey towards gender equality, breaking free from historical constraints and paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable world. As societies evolve, the call for recognizing and harnessing the immense potential of women in shaping the future reverberates louder than ever, urging us to embrace a future where the strengths, perspectives, and leadership styles of women are not only acknowledged but celebrated.

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, women have been breaking barriers and shattering glass ceilings, bringing forth a unique and invaluable perspective to the table. The narrative surrounding women in leadership roles has transformed from one of resilience in the face of adversity to a celebration of the distinct qualities they bring to the forefront. One such quality that stands out prominently is emotional intelligence—a trait that plays a pivotal role in effective leadership.

Women leaders, such as Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, exemplify the power of emotional intelligence in navigating complex challenges. Ardern’s leadership style is characterized by empathy, compassion, and a genuine connection with the people she serves. She has demonstrated that embracing one’s emotional intelligence is not a sign of weakness but a formidable strength that fosters collaboration, understanding, and sustainable success.

Emotional intelligence encompasses self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, social skills, and motivation. Women often excel in these areas, creating a leadership style that is empathetic, inclusive, and adept at building strong interpersonal relationships. In a world where effective communication and collaboration are paramount, these qualities set women leaders apart, fostering environments where diverse voices are heard and valued.

It is essential for women climbing the leadership ladder to recognize and embrace their gentle strength—a strength rooted in emotional intelligence. Instead of succumbing to societal pressures to conform to traditional male leadership styles, women can redefine leadership paradigms by staying true to their authentic selves. This means embracing qualities such as empathy, intuition, and collaborative decision-making, which are often associated with feminine leadership styles.

Jacinda Ardern’s approach during crises, such as the response to the Christchurch mosque shootings and the global COVID-19 pandemic, highlights the effectiveness of leadership grounded in emotional intelligence. Her ability to connect emotionally with the citizens of New Zealand, express genuine empathy, and make decisions that prioritize the well-being of the community showcases the impact of feminine leadership principles.

As women ascend to leadership positions, it is crucial for them to recognise that their strength lies not in imitating masculine leadership styles but in harnessing the power of their unique qualities. Embracing one’s authentic self and leaning into feminine strengths can lead to more balanced, compassionate, and sustainable leadership.

In conclusion, the journey of women in leadership is marked by a paradigm shift—one that celebrates the power of emotional intelligence and the unique qualities women bring to the table. By embracing their gentle strength, women leaders can redefine success, foster inclusive workplaces, and contribute to a more compassionate world. Jacinda Ardern’s exemplary leadership serves as a beacon, inspiring women to lead with authenticity, emotional intelligence, and a steadfast commitment to positive change.

a pair of red boxing gloves

Gender in Sports: The Imane Khelif Controversy

Amidst the public scrutiny, I can’t help but empathise with Khelif, who finds herself at the center of a controversy over circumstances beyond her control. The emotional toll of being thrust into the spotlight and having her identity scrutinised must be overwhelming, all for simply existing outside the bounds of society’s rigid gender expectations.

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